Monday 18 April 2011

Christ, Krishna & The Holy Trinity : Introduction

The following extract from "The Essence of Self Realization" will explain Christ, The Holy Trinity and then link the underlying concepts to the philosophy of Hinduism.

Of such Glory and Magnificence is this insight offered by Sri Sri Paramhansa Yogananda, that i have decided to share it in the start to this, Passion Week, the Holiest Week in the Christian Calendar. As we prepare for Christ’s upcoming Death and Resurrection, I feel it necessary to share this with you. If you do not understand it at first, do not throw it away. Keep it until you do.

May the Glory of Magnificence of Christ forever shine in our lives:

"Once the mind is interiorized, “Paramhansa Yogananda said “ and withdrawn from its identification with the world and with the body, the inner light comes into clear and steady focus. The inner sounds become all- absorbing. Aum fills the brain: its vibration moves down the spine, bursting open the door of the heart’s feeling, and then flowing out into the body. The whole brain vibrates with the sounds of Aum.

“Gradually, with ever deeper meditation, the consciousness expands with that sound. Moving beyond the confines of the body, it embraces the vastness of infinite vibration. You realize your oneness with all existence as Aum, the Cosmic Vibration.

“This state is known as Aum Samadhi or union with God as Cosmic Sound. Aum is that aspect of the Christian Trinity which is known as the Holy Ghost, or Word of God

“By still deeper meditation, one perceives in the physical body, underlying the Aum vibration, the vibrationless calm of the Christ Consciousness, the reflection in creation of the unmoving Spirit beyond creation

“In ancient spiritual tradition, the Christ Consciousness is spoken of as the Son. For just as, among human beings, the son if a reflection of the Father, so in cosmic consciousness the Christ – in Sanskrit call Krishna, or Kutastha Chaitanya – reflects in all things the consciousness of God, the Father, beyond creation.

“By deeper meditation still, on goes beyond creation and unites his consciousness with that of the Father, Satchidananda, the vast ocean of Spirit.

“In these progressive stages of realization are discovered, in reverse order, the three aspects of the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

“Jesus was called the Christ. Many people are not aware that Christ wasn’t the name given him at birth. It was a title signifying ‘the anointed of God’ or ‘chosen by God’ (see Luke 23:55).

“In the same way, Krishna in India was really Jadava the Krishna – or Christna, as it is sometimes written to show the meaning is the same.

“Jesus was a master. He had attained the Christ Consciousness. Anyone who attains that state of consciousness may be justifiably also be called the Christ, for he has dissolved his ego into the infinite consciousness.

Aum, the Holy Ghost, is also referred to in ancient traditions as the Mother, for it represents the feminine aspect of God.

“The Roman Catholic Church teaches that one must go through the Mother to reach Christ. To them (us) of course, the Mother signifies Mary, the Mother of Jesus. For all that, the truth is there, though far deeper than the generally accepted understanding of it.

“For, to reach Christ Consciousness, you must first unite your consciousness with Aum, the Cosmic Vibration.

“Self- realization means the realization that your true Self is not ego, but God, the vast ocean of Spirit which manifested for a time the little wave of awareness that you now see as yourself.”

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