Monday 28 March 2011

I believe in the Human Spirit

I believe in the human spirit

Yes, it is true: Life ever so often throws us an unexpected curve ball. And so I have come to learn that it’s not about what happens to us, but rather how we respond, that truly defines who we choose to be.

This past weekend, we had planned to head out to a nature reserve to rest and recuperate after an intensely busy week. Instead our home was flooded when the storm drain pipes at the local golf course burst, causing an enormous river of water to cascade through our neighbour’s wall and then directly through our entire home and garden.

The force of the water was so, that it moved two fridges and a garden shed down the side of the house, right through the garden and straight toward our garage. The shed broke into pieces and the fridges continued on their path of devastation, right over the bonnet of my car, directly through the broken metal garage door and then down the street.

The storm lasted just over 40 minutes. The damage will take months to fully repair.

I am pleased that I wrote a few days ago about acceptance; a principle that guides me in my daily life. I believe that there is no point pondering the how, when and why of the situation. Rather I have just accepted that this is the way it is meant to be and I have chosen to respond in a manner which is beneficial to my wellbeing.

By simply accepting things as they are and freeing myself of the mental disparity of the how, when and why, I have been able to look with a little more clarity at the situation. It has given me the freedom to be grateful for what I do have and the blessings which has been showered upon us.

Nobody was hurt.

I have also been deeply touched by the kindness shown to us by family, friends and also complete strangers. Those who we love arrived at our house within minutes. And those who we have never met arrived just as quickly. Within an a hour of the water subsiding, people who we had just met for the first time arrived and set up a table serving tea and soup to us and those helping us in the wet drizzle.

Every day we hear complaints about the state of the planet and the behaviour of those who live here. Today I wish to state that I do believe in people. I believe in the human spirit. There too are those who love and serve, selflessly. This is where I wish to direct my love and attention. And my first step in doing so, is by saying Thank You. Thank you to everybody for the goodness which dwells inside of you.

Together, Lets Let It Shine
We can change the world

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